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About us

Who we are

If you are willing to learn, Advance Option Adjustment then you have landed the right platform, as all we know that, Kapil Dhama is one of the renowned and experienced avenger in Option Adjustment with his unique adjustment skills and advance techniques.

Option360 is an e learning platform for option trading in India. It provides option trading courses, video tutorials and webinars online to help traders learn the intricacies of trading options in stock market.Option 360 is the best elearning platform for option trading.

It provides a great set of courses to help traders understand options in detail and make good profits from trading options.The platform offers a whole new approach to learning the complex subject of options trading. With our unique ‘Visual Approach’, students will get an in-depth understanding in just few hours.

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All user accounts are deleted within 90 days from our server and also we do no save or share any user's personal data.

Kapil Dhama, Founder

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